Nothing is set in stone

The concept that “wine is made in the vineyard” is the cornerstone of our winemaking philosophy. We are particularly meticulous with our agricultural techniques. Year after year, we place our production methods under careful examination in order to evolve and to ensure ongoing positive developments.

2010 - 2022

Organic and biodynamic Viticulture

Over the course of their history, the Croisilles observed, evolved and partook in various enriching collaborations. This open-mindedness combined with their belief that all acquired knowledge must be placed under examination led to the transitioning toward organic viticulture in 2010. A mindful winemaker utilizes agricultural techniques that respect and care for the soil, plants and the environment in which he lives. The Croisilles found truth in these principles and thus the decision to convert to organic viticulture came naturally.

Organic agriculture follows a growing method that does not use synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms. The aim of organic agriculture is to consider one’s production methods as an ongoing holistic process, favoring natural cycles and biodiversity in order to bring life and vigor back to the soil – a crucial element, which all too often is neglected by farmers.

The French term terroir is defined as a global consideration of the soil and environmental conditions affecting and contributing to the unique characteristics of a specific area and in turn to the crops grown there. Château Les Croisille’s ambition is to let this reanimated soil and the terroir express themselves in their wines. By converting to organic viticulture, the terroir is reflected in a natural, untainted manner.

This is how the Croisilles decided, logically, to continue towards biodynamic agriculture from 2022. This mode of agriculture places the soil and plants at the forefront of priorities for making wine. The different biodynamic preparations used promote soil life and plant balance.




A large portion of the Croisille family’s work takes place in the vineyard. The agricultural philosophies that are upheld in the vineyard are also extended to the vinification process in the chai.

In the Cahors region, the grape harvests are traditionally collected using machines. However the Croisille family prefers to harvest the grapes by hand. Each year the surface area that is carefully harvested by hand is increased.

The grapes are then separated according to their terroir, each undergoing a unique vinification process. A winemaker produces approximately thirty harvests within their short wine-producing life span, thus it is imperative to learn, experiment, evolve, take risks and enjoy oneself with each passing year.

The ambition is to offer fair wines, close to the terroir that produced them and to reaffirm the position of Cahors as great wines of freshness and minerality.


Today, the vineyard is fully matured and has reached its full potential to produce great wines.


Explore our wines

Grain par Grain, Divin Croisille, Le Croizillon